LEARN Podcasts
LEARN Podcasts is a show that highlights the work of innovative educators with their students as well as the services that LEARN offers to support learning in the English milieu. The show is a part of our core mission of supporting the English education community in Quebec.
LEARN Podcasts
ShiftED Podcast #23: In Conversation with Eric Rosenbaum
On the latest instalment of ShiftED Podcasts we had the great fortune to talk with Eric Rosenbaum, director from the Scratch Lab. A Lifelong Kindergarten alumni, Eric has been with Scratch from the get go, developing creative tools for learning. Not only is Eric a lifelong tinkerer, he worked with Jay Silver on perhaps one of the most inventive tools in education today, the Makey Makey. As Eric joyfully explained, Makey Makey + Scratch is like peanut butter and jelly! It’s a great conversation about Eric’s creative journey, with a look to the future of creative computing. Be sure to read Eric’s latest blog post on Inside Scratch Lab: AI Image Generation, and check out the Scratch block “Face Sensing” a glimpse into A.I. for all our learners. https://medium.com/scratchteam-blog/inside-scratch-lab-ai-image-generation-179f11bd921a https://lab.scratch.mit.edu/face/