LEARN Podcasts
LEARN Podcasts is a show that highlights the work of innovative educators with their students as well as the services that LEARN offers to support learning in the English milieu. The show is a part of our core mission of supporting the English education community in Quebec.
LEARN Podcasts
ShiftED Podcast #25: In Conversation with Scott DeJong: Gamifying Education
Scott DeJong is a PhD student in Communication studies at Concordia University examining serious play, web literacy and digital cultures. I recently caught up with Scott to discuss the difference between gamification and game-based learning, the power of gaming in education, social justice games and how to get started with making classrooms more engaging through playing games. Not only does Scott make awesome games for students, but his games help expose online disinformation and social justice issues, a highly relevant topic for todays’ student population. Checkout the games we discussed. Here are some of the games I mentioned: Prodigy: https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/ Ululab Math Makers: https://ululab.com/math-makers/ Cat Park: https://catpark.game/ Articles about Media Literacy Games: My Top 5 List: https://www.concordia.ca/cunews/offic... Thinking about media literacy differently: https://theconversation.com/video-gam... Scott's Game: Lizards and Lies: lizardsandlies.ca/ Additional links: Gamerella (Happening in November) - http://gamerella.ca/